Is it good for the world if the United States and China are armed to the teeth with dangerous weapons? The answer is clear. No. It is costly, threatening and destructive; sooner or later millions will be murdered through it. We could ask who started it? Actually, the US did. We could ask who is more democratic? Actually, militarism undermines democracy everywhere. We could ask, Who will win? But that is playing death. Really, this would be bad for the world and everybody loses, everybody except the arms manufacturers in the US and China, who make money but lose their souls planning killing.

Who decides what happens? Everybody or the merchants of death and the silly rulers trapped inside their militarism? We, together, have to stop it. Superpower disarmament must happen. The later we leave it, the more difficult it will be. You know we need to disarm the superpowers, all powers, and world peace is better. So, do it. It will take two to four billion of us and is simpler than competitive arming. The organisation to do it – right up to the United Nations – will emerge. We can disarm the world in about five years if you decide.