All posts by Alan Storkey

Alan Storkey has stood in two elections as a Christian candidate, was Chair of the Movement for Christian Democracy, has written "Jesus and Politics" and has helped shape recent Christian political thought.

The World-Wide Spy System and Christ.


Spying and Covert Politics.

Everybody should think about spying and the secret services; it is one of the world’s great problems. Since WW2 it has been linked with internal repression, dirty tricks, international sabotage and the generation of war. The big spy agencies want work and they get it by promoting distrust. Their business comes from spreading fear, plots, arms threats and antagonistic international relationships. As a result, they have created a distrust industry which is taking over the world.

Distrust is self-validating. Once you create it, it can expand. Spying causes perhaps a quarter of the world’s international problems and wars. We distrust the new “enemies”, but never distrust the spy system. It remains invisible and beyond question.  World-wide, spying and so-called intelligence is damaging us. The spy people have learned to be well-paid and nearly invisible. Like James Bond, they defend us, so how could we even question their necessity.

In fact, the problem is ramping up. This massive distrust system is now invading all our lives in mass surveillance, because we have now been persuaded that none of us can be trusted. It has always been both spying and propaganda and covert politics.

The Scale of the Issue.

First, you would want some examples of the damage it does. Here are a dozen from different periods.

  1. In 1924 it produced the forged Zinoviev letter just before the October election to help bring down the first Labour Government.
  2. The Gestapo, the Nazi secret service run by Goring and Himmler, absorbed, controlled and ran the police and the armed forces. Secret power was the CENTRAL INSTITUTION in the Nazi state repressing opposition, doing international deals, working towards the World War and planning the Holocaust.
  3. At the end of WW2 the US recruited about a thousand Nazi spies against the USSR under Reinhard Gehlen in 1945-6 to report on the USSR’s Communist menace and start the Cold War.
  4. The US Secret service formed a plot with Belgium to assassinate Patrice Lamumba, the first independent democratically elected Prime Minister of the Congo to initiate 50 years of political chaos.
  5. The CIA ran a three year destabilisation programme in Chile before the coup against the democratically elected Salvador Allende and colluded in the coup. His successor General Pinochet was a thug.
  6. In the 1970s the CIA ran the Secret Service of the Shah of Persia which kept him in power and vast arms sales flowing in from the US, but provoked increasing resentment leading to the downfall of the Shah, the imprisonment of hostages and long-term hostility between Iran and the US.
  7. The CIA attempted dozens of assassination attempts on Castro in Cuba, then arranged the failed Bay of Pigs invasion and helped set up the “Cuba Crisis”.
  8. Most commentators are agreed that the Vietnam war was a mistake and unnecessary, can caused by the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident. The Wikipedia version is, “On 2 August 1964, USS Maddox, on an intelligence mission along North Vietnam’s coast, allegedly fired upon and damaged several torpedo boats that had been stalking it in the Gulf of Tonkin. A second attack was reported two days later on USS Turner Joy and Maddox in the same area. The circumstances of the attacks were murky. Lyndon Johnson commented to Undersecretary of State George Ball that “those sailors out there may have been shooting at flying fish.” An undated National Security Agency publication declassified in 2005 revealed that there was no attack on 4 August.”  Perhaps four million died in the War.
  9. In the 1980s the CIA spent several billion dollars training and equipping the Afghan Muhajideen to fight against the USSR in Afghanistan. One of the training groups funded and supplied by them was Al Qaida and 9/11 followed and much Middle East terrorist activity.
  10. The CIA and MI6 both conclude that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, despite US inspectors, and helped start the second Iraq War. The conclusion was untrue and the War was illegal, based on a lie, and has destabilized much of the Middle East.
  11. Putin’s background is spying and the SVR in Russia has begun widespread spying and disruption techniques. Nevertheless, for example, the Skripal murder was carried out because Skripal was acting as a double spy, a fact not reported in the western media.
  12. The recent incident in the US/Iranian tension turns out to be shaped by US intelligence following the Iranian tanker Grace 1 and suggesting it was seized in the straits of Gibraltar, provoking later Iranian responses in the Strait of Hormuz.

This list is far from complete. Indeed, the spy communities would laugh, because of what it leaves out. Nevertheless, these are major destructive events across the world causing wars, promoting lies not truth, teaching destructive behaviour and undermining democracy.

The World-Wide System.

The United States has dominated this system since 1945. But other states have followed. Britain, France, the USSR had strong systems. Israel developed a vast system linked to the US, and now China runs a political and technological spy system. They were not just spying, but usually providing money and weapons to ferment the governments they wanted to be in charge.

The outcome of this process was anti-democratic. All over the globe militaristic and totalitarian or absolutist regimes are supported against democracy. We, the US and UK, said we were democratic, but a case could be made that  we were against democracy. In Egypt, before and after the Arab Spring, we armed the military governments. We supported the Shah in Iran and Saddam in Iraq. We killed the democrat, Lumumba in the Congo. Blair armed Gaddafi to attack his own people. The US supported Marcos and dozens of other military leaders who bought their weapons, and all the time the secret services were there, doing the needful, spreading weapons, lies, disinformation, propping up corrupt regimes, smoothing the way for US multinational to extract oil, minerals, metals and food from compliant nations. The words, “Banana Republic”, entered the language for a US food company and a CIA government in central America.

Now, of course, spying, propaganda, surveillance, covert operations and even war have entered the electronic phase. They promise to mushroom into a vast system of distrust and misinformation, swaying voters, obscuring the truth and always backed by big money, the money of the states and the super-rich who want to order everything their way. How can we stand against this?

The Bad and the Good – Jesus.

To see how bad the bad is, we need to see the good. So, finding out about countries is a good thing. You learn their language, meet them, understand the country and see their point of view. If nation shall speak peace unto nation, we must meet and learn about one another. Of course, most of this kind of understanding comes from learning their language, meeting them, reading their papers and literature. We watch their media, study their government and culture, observe their faith, economies, social relationships and cities. In Christian terms, we welcome the stranger and often we are the stranger on holiday or travelling abroad. Within this framework, there is no secrecy, or spying, because there is no need for secrecy. Evildoers act in secret, and where evil is not, things are out in the open.

Spies do secrecy and good societies do openness. Jesus did openness. Indeed, he had a principle of openness. Things will out and should be brought out. “What is done in the secret places will be shouted from the housetops.” But more than this, practicing openness is a principle. Jesus has been brought secretly before the High Priest, Annas, in a mock trial. It should have been public, and Jesus’ defence is the public nature of his teaching. “’I have spoken openly to the world,’ Jesus replied. ‘I always taught in synagogue or at the temple where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely, they know what I said.” (John 18 20-21) So none of his words were conspiracy, or plots or aimed against others in secret. Public evidence matters in opposing prejudice, malice, political intrigue, covert killing and imprisonment, secret evil and violence. Jesus’ trial is our legal system. But it is much wider than that.

The light has come into the world, but the powerful move in the dark, because their deeds are evil. Live in the light, says Jesus. Openness, transparency, doing what you say, freedom of information, not doing things behind people’s backs, no hidden democracy are right and good. The Christian principled opposition to spying, covert operations, manipulation behind the scenes and supporting dictators has hardly been heard; it is time to do Jesus’ principles. Unless, following Christ, we live in the light, we are but ants in an anthill. We are pawns of this principality and power.

Christianity is the Light set on a Hill.

So the challenge for two billion plus Christians worldwide is to be the light set of a hill, to live in the light, to be fearless against secrecy, to combat national spy and surveillance systems, to be uninfluenced by covert and illicit communication, not to be tossed about by waves of engineered public opinion, to both follow and witness to what is true and to defeat the world of spying, covert operations, political subversion and propaganda but demanding the different way of our politicians and standing truths in the public square. So, we’ve got work to do.

Before Annas – Politics in the Light

Jesus annas

Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane. Although Judas came to identify him in the dark and facilitate the arrest, Jesus stepped forward, identified himself and insisted that only he be arrested. There were Roman guards and the High Priests soldiers to take him; so there was already collusion between the two authorities. It would be argued to the Romans, based in the Antonia fortress at the north end of the Temple building, and close to Gethsemane, that Jesus would cause disruption at the enormous Passover Festival. That he came quietly would slightly confuse them. Jesus hands were bound, as was normal in an arrest, but normally great Rabbis would not be treated like this. Only the dark made it acceptable. Jesus would be taken down into the Kidron Valley and round the South east corner of the city wall into the lower city. The Roman guards after the arrest probably went back to the barracks, because they would not be allowed in the house of the High Priest, Annas. It was deep into the night and there would be few people about. Jesus head might be covered to prevent him being identified, for this was a massively contentious arrest of the most awesome Teacher of the era.

So, at this stage, the arrest was mainly under the direction of Annas, the High Priest, or more accurately Annas the father-in-law of the High Priest, Caiaphas. Annas was High Priest from 15-20AD and was followed by five of his sons in the job before Caiaphas. So, this was an elite family show and really Annas was in charge, and Annas wanted to establish control of the whole process. When arrested Jesus should have been publicly tried when a charge was brought against him. If it involved the death penalty, the case had also to be referred to the Roman authority Pilate. Trials were conducted by local small Sanhedrin, with 23 judges, or by the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem of 71 members meeting in the Hall of Hewn Stones on the edge of the Temple Complex. But this was not a proper trial. Jesus’ arrest at night, so as not to attract the attention of the vast crowds in Jerusalem was deliberately clandestine, and he was taken to the House of Annas.

This was like all political moves to take out political opponents who are a threat. This week in Russia Putin had imprisoned his main political opponent, and, it seems, tried to poison him. Politicians have long eradicated their threats, and Jesus was a threat. Twice he had overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple, exposing the veniality of the system. Annas was piling up money in the Temple Treasury, using God for money. Jesus was bringing the issue out, had just exposed him this week. “It is written, ‘My house will be a house of prayer’, but you have made it a den of robbers.” The crowds were repeating it. Of course similar things were going on in religious shrines around the world. At Delphi the oracle was used as a money spinning system. Priests relied on cashing in on religion. Superstition made money. Later on, it would be indulgences. But Jesus stood against all this. You do not make money from God because God is the Father of all and it does not matter where you worship as long as you worship in spirit and truth.

We need a short detour on to Peter and John. Once the focus was on the arrested Christ, it would have been relatively easy for some of the disciples to follow at a distance to see what would happen to Jesus, and Peter we know would do that. Did John go with him, and is John the disciple who gained access to Annas’ House? There is something we do not know about John. The weight of the Synoptic Gospels is set in Galilee and the weight of John’s Gospel is set in Jerusalem. What is it with John and Jerusalem? I suspect the answer is Nichodemus. John 3 does not appear there by mistake, but because John knew this private conversation directly from Nichodemus, and Nichodemus was on the Great Sanhedrin. We are not told, but he could have been one of the shadowy figures in this gathering, letting John in and later helping Peter to gain access. The appearance in front of Annas was not the “trial”. That would occur with Caiaphas. It was Annas sizing up how Jesus could be handled and softening him up for the later appearance before Caiaphas. The interchange is interesting.

We hear that Annas questions Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. Why? Perhaps he was worried that the disciples would spread the word among the crowds and there would be a riot and trouble. Annas would be managing everything. His focus in discussing the teaching of Jesus would be to see if Jesus could be seen as claiming to be God and thus guilty in their eyes of blasphemy. How could that accusation be made to stick? We know where Annas was fishing, because that is where the “trial” later went. Jesus response to Annas is in terms of the public integrity of the trial process. “I have spoken openly to the world” Jesus replied. “I always taught in synagogue or at the Temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.” Jesus is not subversive. The charges will be false. Let’s be open about this. Yet, the statement is three things. It is an insistence on the process of public trial with witnesses and not extracting from bound or tortured prisoners – confessions which are not true or fabricated. It is an insistence on public trial, witnesses who can be questioned, evidence and specific charges. Actually, this event lies behind what happens normally in courtrooms around the world. Innocent until proven guilty is obviously right because Christ was innocent. But second, it is also a principle of public openness. Jesus had taught that what is done in the secret places will be shouted from the housetops.

This is a world-wide principle. I’m convinced Nichodemus was there, allowing John into the big posh house of Annas, and then Peter with a nod to the gatekeeper. He had the Sanhedrin status. Nichodemus knew Jesus’ words to him inside out. “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.” (John 3:19-21) When Jesus makes this statement about being judged in public, Nichodemus can see this principle in action before his eyes. On the one hand the arrest at night, the pseudo trial before Annas to set up the murder of Jesus because of the evil money-making system of Annas and the Temple Party. The truth in the light and evil in darkness. Nichodemus can see Christ’s walk in the light – open teaching, cleansing the Temple, facing down the evil. So it has ever been. The Nazi Secret service, Stalin, Nixon and Watergate – everywhere evil tries to hide, stay underground, avoid the light. All of us seek sometimes to have the dark place in our lives where evil can hide, and here Jesus insists it must be in the open, in the light, and that remains the truth under which we live throughout human history.

But, immediately, Jesus is defeated. He is rude to Annas. Annas is asking him questions and as Chief Priest of the Chief Priests should be answered. Jesus does not give a fig for power or status and responds, if you want answers to these questions, then ask the witnesses. There were plenty about. I’m ending the conversation here. Similarly, later, he would refuse to talk with Herod Antipas, though his life depended on it. Herod had murdered John the Baptist and you do not dress up a charade as a valid trial. They mocked him. He said nothing. But Annas was furious. The answer insulted him. “Why question me?” It is one of his officials who strikes Jesus across the face, but Annas’s fury is in the hand.

Christians are sometimes too nice. The curate’s bad egg is “good in parts”. Jesus does not bend. “Is this the way you answer the High Priest?” the official rasps out. “If I said something wrong,” Jesus replied, testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why do you strike me?” Of course, Jesus had not “said” anything. He has refused to say anything and has stayed with the principles of trial and openness. He has also already faced death from these people and knows it is coming. Here the trial is wrong. The powers that be are corrupt. Addressing the whole business of human politics and its corruption is underway, and Annas sent Jesus, still bound, to Caiaphas, the high Priest and his Son-in-Law for the proper pseudo trial. The houses were probably quite close in the Upper City. And so, our politics must be in the light, following Jesus. Come on. Let’s bring it all out.

My Great Speech to the Nation

Could I just say how honoured I am to be your new Prime Minister. I would just like to say what a fine Prime Minister Theresa May has been, and if she had had better support, she might be standing where I am now. And the Queen is doing a fine job too.
As you know, I have studied, and skimmed, the work of Winston Churchill, another Prime Minister who faced such a time of crisis as this. He promised to fight them on the beaches, but this time they are not fighting, they are just saying, “If you want to go away, then go away.” But we are staying where we are. We will not be moved. Dover will not move over, and we will get our Nation back. We won the Referendum, fair and square, though I admit the figures on the side of the bus were slightly out, and we must leave Europe, staying in the same place, as we promised. I, your chosen leader, will do Brexit.
If I may add, the Conservative Party, whose members have just chosen me, is a great Party. The members are old and wise. They read the Daily Telegraph, to whom I give my thanks for their support. They have time to sit around and drink, I mean think, and decide what is good for the country, and I am that what. We must be positive. We can do this together if we all scrum down and push. There is a lesson there. When you are pushing you do not see where you are going, but if you push, you either get over the line or the scrum collapses, and we will get over the line, and I am putting the ball in.
Of course, some cynics will say, “What about the Backstop?” and I answer – Do you not understand that you only need a backstop if you have got a poor wicketkeeper, as they taught me at school, and I will be the Good Wicketkeeper. Brexit solved, and it must be soft, or I will personally lose £5million on a bet. So, my policy is to go into the future, and all it needs is for the little people to be grateful and recognize the need for leisured rich people to run their lives, have tax havens and tell them what to deliver to their homes when they buy it.
I must now choose a cabinet. There are some people with principles not fit to run the country and some who have failed and can try again. Chris Grayling could be Chancellor. There are those who have been sacked, like me, and can hang together, except Michael Gove, who ratted on me. Fox can do trade and the complicated stuff. Trump will do our Foreign policy. I could do a deal with Nige before the election and we can leave the rest to the Civil Servants who are paid to run the ship.
Being Prime Minister is a matter of steering the ship. It may bob up and down, but the only real choice is right or left. If you go left, then you will sink, and so right is right. If you go right constantly, you go round in circles, and you don’t have to do anything. That is good government, and it is fun as well. And that is where we are. Going round in circles in the English Channel, because it is the English Channel which has brexitted from Europe and does not need to go anywhere and is staying where it is. That is my policy and my legacy to future generations. So, where is the ruddy rudder?

Why Trump is more stupid than Cheney

The United States kills far more of its own people than have ever been killed by other states. We knew the number killed in the US Civil War is roughly equal to the Americans killed in all external wars. But the crucial figures are now. The number of American who have died in domestic US gun-caused deaths this century is greater than the number of Americans killed in World War Two AND the Vietnam War AND the Afghan and Iraq wars. Americans are wiping themselves out. You could say we knew America was stupid, but we didn’t know it was that stupid. To put it another way, the US spends something like $1 trillion on defence protecting itself against the big wide world when far more of the killing is done by its own people. It is like driving around on the motorway in a tank to protect yourself, when you are going to be shot by your mate in the back seat. The US has had something like 470,000 gun-deaths since 2000 AD.

We know Trump and the US gun lobbies have come up with an answer. To protect yourself against guns you need more guns. Everyone knows this is stupid; it is embarrassing to bring it up. The extra-stupid bit is the economics of the thing. It is like flushing exploding money down the toilet. There are about 300 million guns in the US, and each year they buy more – presumably guns in bikinis or ones that fire round corners or with an “I will not shoot myself in the foot safety device”. Lots of Americans have more guns than they can put on each finger. (Don’t y’all try it because it is a bit dangerous.) So US citizens spend about $15-20 bn a year on 10-12 million new guns, ammo and “Do not aim it here” hats, and then fork out another $230 billion on hospital/police/it has gone wrong costs. That works out at about 1.5% of GDP to be added to the 3.5% it spends on Defence, or Attack, whatever you like to call the military thing. So, America flushes a trillion and a half exploding dollars down the loo and finishes up with more dead people than ‘most anywhere on earth, and Trump thinks it’s great.

Of course, Cheney was stupid because he shot his mate in the face, but Trump is more stupid, because he is not even being paid by Haliburton to keep a war going. Trump is worse because his voters are killing themselves or each other. He’s killing his own voters. He didn’t have much of a margin at the last election and they are dying off fast. Of course, they could come to their senses and say, “Why is Trump encouraging us to buy guns and kill ourselves and flush exploding dollars down the loo?” and decide they like Obama, but they are probably too stupid for that.



It is time for a real debate on War. There is one group that profits from wars and rumours of war and that is the arms companies. War is their business. They say, “The prevention of War is our business” while selling arms to everyone, and then look surprised when it breaks out. But arms lead to wars – Saddam’s arms, Gaddafi’s arms, Bush’s arms, Putin’s arms and Al-Assad’s arms. Of course, greed, vanity, military dictators and hatred play their part, but most of the serious hatred in the world comes from previous wars. The Culprits Of War have been hiding for a hundred years and it is time to flush them out, as Article 8 of the Treaty of Versailles nearly did in June 1919 at the end of the War To End All Wars. Let’s recall it.

“The Members of the League recognise that the maintenance of peace requires the reduction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with national safety and the enforcement by common action of international obligations. The Council, taking account of the geographical situation and circumstances of each State, shall formulate plans for such reduction for the consideration and action of the several Governments. Such plans shall be subject to reconsideration and revision at least every ten years. After these plans shall have been adopted by the several Governments, the limits of armaments therein fixed shall not be exceeded without the concurrence of the Council. The Members of the League agree that the manufacture by private enterprise of munitions and implements of war is open to grave objections. The Council shall advise how the evil effects attendant upon such manufacture can be prevented, due regard being had to the necessities of those Members of the League which are not able to manufacture the munitions and implements of war necessary for their safety. The Members of the League undertake to interchange full and frank information as to the scale of their armaments, their military, naval and air programmes and the condition of such of their industries as are adaptable to war-like purposes.”

You will notice a number of things. First, it is quite strong. Making weapons causes and results in evil. Preventing these effects is absolutely necessary, and peace requires reducing them to the lowest point consistent with national safety. They knew tens of millions who had been horribly slain and injured by weapons. They knew, too, that arms companies ran four arms races spreading distrust, hate (the Hun), the superiority of their wares and militarism to promote the threat and possibility of War. They knew that the War was not just Germany, but France encouraged by Schneider, Britain by Armstrong, Vickers, Mulliner and the Dreadnought Scare, Austro-Hungary and Skoda, the Kaiser and Krupp, Nobel, Du Pont and many others in what was now the biggest industry in the world. The merchants of death had sold war and pumped up armies and navies. Lloyd George knew that. He knew Germany was squeezed from two sides. President Wilson knew that he had entered the War because the British and French debts to the US from purchasing weapons were so great that the US had to be on our side. He probably also knew that his peace proposals back home would be savaged by a munitions/Republican cabal as his life drew to a close. The arms companies and the weapons were the problem of war – these statesmen saw this truth, and said it.

But you will also notice the bargained compromises already there. “The lowest point consistent with national safety” it says. If all are disarmed, all are safe. If disarmament is firm and staged, there is no discretion needed. But the arms companies have their foot in the door. And then there is the “due regard” for those who don’t make their own weapons. Why? So that arms companies can resume selling around the world, of course. And the “information interchange” opens the door to fudge and sliding away from real disarmament. There were quite a few military men at Versailles, some of them in uniform as you see in the picture above, and they were not going to allow their abolition. So real disarmament was compromised at the beginning.

When the Russian Revolution took place, and the USSR withdrew from the War, it also repudiated War. The Statement is interesting. It includes the following.
The Workers’ and Peasants’ Government, created by the revolution of 24–25 October, and drawing its strength from the Soviets of Workers’, Soldiers’, and Peasants’ Deputies, proposes to all warring peoples and their governments to begin at once negotiations leading to a just democratic peace.

A just and democratic peace for which the great majority of wearied, tormented and war-exhausted toilers and labouring classes of all belligerent countries are thirsting, a peace which the Russian workers and peasants have so loudly and insistently demanded since the overthrow of the Tsar’s monarchy, such a peace the government considers to be an immediate peace without annexations (i.e., without the seizure of foreign territory and the forcible annexation of foreign nationalities) and without indemnities.
The Russian Government proposes to all warring peoples that this kind of peace be concluded at once; it also expresses its readiness to take immediately, without the least delay, all decisive steps pending the final confirmation of all the terms of such a peace by the plenipotentiary assemblies of all countries and all nations.
Invited ‘All belligerents to open negotiation without delay for a just and democratic peace […] a peace without annexations and amenities.

This was ignored by the other belligerents, but it posed deep issues for them. First, it was accompanied by a repudiation of the “Tsarist debt”; vast amounts borrowed from the United States, Britain and France to fund Russia’s military build-up was wiped off the slate. These countries were angry. It partly explains the Anti-Communism. Churchill famously led an attack on the Red Government to “strangle the baby in the cradle” and so War was being practised against the USSR even as the Versailles Treaty was being signed. But the USSR also pinpointed the link between capitalism and weapons, capital and colonialism and capital and War, as many other Socialists and Christians did. So, the military people were defensive. Because the USSR represented disarmament and anti-capitalism, disarmament could not be allowed to flourish. They would kill it.

The Great War was the biggest military bonanza in world history. Arms Companies became rich, expanded, opened up new products – especially tanks, submarines and warplanes – and received government money hand over fist in all the belligerent countries. At the end of the War, as after all wars, there was oversupply. Churchill helped address that by carrying on against the USSR across a wide front, and weapons were sold on to a whole load of dubious regimes across the world, but what were the arms companies to do? First, for a few years they kept their heads down. They learned to disappear. In the mid 1930s they were flushed out again by the “Merchants of Death” book and the Nye Commission in the States, but then it was too late. Second, they could sell around the world to places outside Europe to dubious regimes in the hope that conflict might break out sooner or later. The most promising area was China, Japan and the Far East, where China was breaking into rival warlords and Japan was dominated by the military. Third, with their allies in the military, the arms companies and their agents could sabotage all attempts at disarmament, and, fourth, they could work with all Fascist Parties and Governments which linked the military and the state tightly together (usually against Socialism and Communism) to promote their business. We have to remember that all states had Fascist, or proto-Fascist parties usually linked to wealth, the business of war and also to traumatized soldiers consumed with PTSD and hatred after the War. So, the arms companies went about recreating their business. In 1932 with the defeat of the Great Geneva Disarmament Conference and the later rise of Hitler to power, they were successful in Italy, Germany, Britain, Japan, the United States, France and the USSR. The United States funded and armed both Germany and the USSR in preparation for the Second World War. At the end of that War the military-industrial establishments both West and East, but especially in the West, moved into the Cold War to make sure that the permanently armed world emerged, as it has, dangerous, destructive, living with fear, threats, arms races and wars to validate the business of the arms companies. They and not the politicians have run the show and you and I have ignored them, because they are usually hidden or focussing on some supposed external threat.

So, a hundred years later we could understand that the Versailles Disarmament and Peace Proposals were not tried. They were sabotaged by the arms companies, and they have been ever since, because turkeys do not vote for Christmas. Whenever disarmament is discussed, the military insist on being in charge, and strangle it. Mussolini and Hitler were funded by arms companies. They were, in substantial part, a product of this system, not its cause. Still we do not understand this basic point. Wars and rumours of War are mainly caused by those who profit from it, the military-industrial establishment, usually deep inside government.

A hundred years later we need to realise why Versailles failed. We need to see that wars, refugees, the work of tens of millions of military personnel, a vast CO2 hungry, high tech manufacturer of destruction, a military costing trillions, the threatened destruction of the planet, terrorism and this industry of death are unnecessary, if the arms companies and their output are addressed. World disarmament is easier than armament and war. It enriches all of us. It is time for several billions of us to wise up and change the world.

Christ’s Anti-Populism


Early in the Gospels there is a verse which says that Jesus trusted nobody because he knew what was in their hearts. In particular he did not trust people who flocked to him. He was anti-populist. In the desert, he refused the first temptation to make bread for the masses, the second, to be a sensation by throwing himself from the Temple unhurt and the third of receiving all the kingdoms of the earth while compromising with evil. Each was the easy route to charismatic rule. He walked out on the popularity after the feeding of the five thousand. He moved away from the adulation of the crowds coming into Jerusalem to weep over it, because it was going in a false direction. He could see through the way the crowd was worked before the crucifixion. Indeed, the question of how the great miracle worker and lover of ordinary people could be so deliberately unpopular demands to be addressed. He was, as Isaiah prophesied, “despised and rejected of men”, and ironically pointed out to his disciples that the crowds of thousands had dwindled to a dozen when he did not do what the crowds wanted. So, what is going on here? What was the Son of Man, with two billion plus followers now, doing then to destroy populism?

Oh, you say, surely, this was not about political ideology? But, of course, it was. What else? The King of the Jews, the Messiah, the Son of God, preaching about the Kingdom or Government of God was always presenting Government on God’s terms, for the whole of life, including for politics. He is the centre of good world government and Populism, he seems to suggest, is an evil aberration. He shreds it.

And, of course, really we know it does not work. It is not just Caesars organising Olympic Games and gladiatorial combat in the Coliseum, or Hitler showing his armpit to the adoring masses, or Trump insisting that his crowds were the biggest (they were not), but all popular leaders are dangerous. They can promise, exaggerate, use false emotions, present fake news, optimize, manipulate and especially claim credit and disown failure to get the people’s vote. Democratic rule is accountable service, doing justice, especially by the weak. SUCCESS-ME-FAILURE-THEM is a dangerous myth and Christ refuses it and lays bare the attitudes that cause it. “Do not do things to be seen by people, but do what is right before God whatever.” “Don’t judge others, but judge yourself.” Don’t bluster, but make your Yes and No true. So, the Christ brings to heel all the demagogues and teaches us distrust of them and to hunger and thirst after justice. We know it, but we forget it.

For we, the followers, will follow the Pied Piper and go awhoring after the tunes of nationalism, glory, hate or the glory of war (home by Christmas, and by the way, your sons will be killed). As a careful reading of history shows, often in elections the wrong person/party/government is chosen. We lap up the band music and march in step. We the followers, the masses, the flattered, those worked up to a false god or a false hope or a false wrong or to kill are not to be trusted either. We often goof democracy. Good democracy is not the rule of the people, but government by with and for people under the justice, care, peace and accountability of the Spirit of God.

Do we understand this? Do we see the demagogues, the flatterers, the bribes? Do we see the dangerous sheep, following the false shepherd? It is not easy work. This is not an easy lesson. Yet, it is not even taught in our churches. Untaught Christians, as we know from the States, can be the most gullible. People do not hear the subtlety of Christ, the irony, the demolishing of strongholds, the “they do not practice what they preach”, the “they go after followers, but then make them slaves”. Until Christ, who will do no harm to anyone is at the centre of politics, we are at risk from mass media populism, and it would be a start if Christians were not gullible, conformist and going with the crowd. Rather we are nonconformists, dissenters, protestants against the wide road that leads to destruction, stick with the unpopular truth, refuse to discuss the speck of dust and swallow the camel, and address weightier matters like inequality, world poverty, global warming, war and violence. Then we will be faithful and wise followers of Christ, iron will sharpen iron, and world culture will see and learn to deconstruct political populism before it destroys us.



There has never been a case like this in UK Courts. BAe were guilty of corruption in relation to Tanzania. I say this in defiance of the sentence, because as Mr Justice Bean makes clear, because the serious Fraud Office had been forbidden from prosecuting the case, he could not try it properly. If the case had been as claimed in the BAe/SFO deal, he would not have fined them more than £5,000. As it was he fines them £500,000. Within the trial agreement with SFO BAe systems is given immunity from SFO investigation and prosecutions in any other case in their murky history. The pay-off is £30 million to Tanzania, which was actually paid late. So this is the UK Courts of Justice cooking a bribery trial with the Justice powerless to do anything about it. Such is the power of the arms establishment in Government and the Justice System. This is Justice Bean’s summing up, full of irony and not a little anger at the way he has been stitched up.

Mr. Justice Bean:

1. On 23rd November 2010 at the City of Westminster Magistrates Court. BAE Systems PLC (“the Company”) pleaded guilty to one offence of failing to keep accounting records “sufficient to show and explain the transactions of the company” contrary to Section 221 of the Companies Act 1985. District Judge Tubbs committed the case to the Crown Court for sentence.

2. The laying of the information on 5th November 2010 came after a Settlement Agreement between the Company and the Serious Fraud Office. This provided, so far as material, as follows:
2) The Company shall plead guilty to a charge in the form attached of one count under section 221 Companies Act 1985.
3) The basis of plea in relation to that charge shall be in the form attached. The Company shall admit the facts set out therein and enter a plea in mitigation. The SFO will provide a copy of its opening note by 19 February 2010.
4) The fine for the offence admitted shall be imposed by the Court.
5) The Company shall make an ex gratia payment for the benefit of the people of Tanzania in a manner to be agreed between the SFO and the Company. The amount of the payment shall be £30 million less any financial orders imposed by the Court.
6) The SFO shall not prosecute any person in relation to conduct other than conduct connected with the Czech Republic or Hungary.
7) The SFO shall forthwith terminate all its investigations into the BAE Systems Group.
8) There shall be no further investigation or prosecutions of any member of the BAE Systems Group for any conduct preceding 5 February 2010.
9) There shall be no civil proceedings against any member of the BAE Systems Group in relation to any matters investigated by the SFO.
10) No member of the BAE Systems Group shall be named as, or alleged to be, an unindicted co-conspirator or in any other capacity in any prosecution the SFO may bring against any other party.

3. The basis of plea attached to the Settlement Agreement included the following:-
“2.1 The SFO commences its investigation into BAE Plc in July 2004. The SFO has investigated a number of issues as part of that investigation.”
2.2 One of the transactions that the SFO has investigated is the sale of a radar system to the government of Tanzania, (the radar contract)…
3.4 On 10 September 1999 a new contract for the sale was signed between the government of Tanzania and British Aerospace Defence Systems Limited with a price of $39.97m.
4.1 From the outset of the negotiations, Siemens Plessey Electronic Systems Ltd had retained a third party marketing advisor, Shailesh Vithlani (“Vithlani”) in Tanzania to assist with the negotiation and sale process. The agreement was between Vithlani personally and a Siemens Plessey subsidiary, Plessey Systems Export SA.
4.2 Following the acquisition of Siemens Plessey Electronic Systems Ltd by the BAE Systems group, in spring 1998, the BAE Systems group also engaged Vithlani as a marketing advisor. From October 1999, the written agreement was between two companies controlled by BAE plc and two companies controlled by Vithlani called Merlin International Ltd (Merlin) and Envers Trading Corporation (Envers). Merlin was a Tanzanian company and Envers was incorporated offshore. Under these arrangements, Merlin was to receive 1% of the Radar Contract price and Envers was to receive 30% of the Radar Contract price. The appointment of Merlin and Envers was approved by senior BAE employees.
4.3 After signature of the Radar Contract, payments of approximately $12.4 million were made to Merlin and Envers. [I interpose that in the case of Envers, payments were made by Red Diamond Trading Ltd, a company registered in the British Virgin Islands and controlled by the Defendants.]
4.4 These payments were recorded in accounting records of British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd as payments for the provision of technical services by Vithlani.
4.5 Although it is not alleged that BAE plc was party to an agreement to corrupt, there was a high probability that part of the $12.4 million would be used in the negotiation process to favour British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd. The payments were not subjected to proper or adequate scrutiny or review. Further, British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd maintained inadequate information to determine the value for money offered by Vithlani and entities controlled by him.
4.6 The case is that the financial position of British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd was not stated with reasonable accuracy, since it was not possible for any person considering the accounts to investigate and determine whether the payments were properly accounted for and were lawful. The failure to record the services accurately was the result of a deliberate decision by one or more officers of British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd. In the circumstances in which the British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd was carried out, this default was inexcusable.
4.7 It is not known who at British Aerospace Defence Systems Ltd was responsible for creating the relevant inaccurate accounting records or for the commission of the offence. However, it was known by BAE plc that such inaccurate accounting records were in existence and BAE plc failed to scrutinise them adequately to ensure that they were reasonably accurate and permitted them to remain uncorrected. BAE plc is therefore also guilty of a section 221(1)(a) offence.”

4. The form of words in paragraph 4.5 of the basis of plea echoes paragraph 29 of the information laid against BAE by the United States Department of Justice. This alleged that “BAES paid payments to certain advisors through offshore shell companies, even though in certain situations there was a high probability that part of the payments would be used in order to ensure that BAES was favored in the foreign government decisions regarding the sales of defense articles”.

The Settlement Agreement
5. The Settlement Agreement is, with respect, loosely and perhaps hastily drafted. In paragraph 6 “any person” is not defined, and paragraph 10 is not, at least expressly, confined to conduct preceding the agreement. But the heart of the matter is paragraph 8, whereby the SFO agreed that there would be “no further investigation or prosecutions of any member of the BAE Systems Group for any conduct preceding 5 February 2010.” It is relatively common for a prosecuting authority to agree not to prosecute a defendant in respect of specified crimes which are admitted and listed in the agreement: this is done, for example, where the defendant is an informer who will give important evidence against co-defendants. But I am surprised to find a prosecutor granting a blanket indemnity for all offences committed in the past, whether disclosed or otherwise. The US Department of Justice did not do so in this case: it agreed not to prosecute further for past offences which had been disclosed to it.

6. I have no power to vary or set aside the Settlement Agreement. Indeed, an attempt by the pressure group Campaign Against the Arms Trade to challenge it by way of judicial review, arguing that the SFO should have brought corruption charges, was rejected by Mr Justice Collins on 24 March 2010. The judge held that it was not arguable that the decision to limit the charge to one under s 221 was unlawful.

7. I also cannot sentence for an offence which the prosecution has chosen not to charge. There is no charge of conspiracy to corrupt, nor of false accounting contrary to section 17 of the Theft Act 1968. More obviously still, the Court does not decide who should be prosecuted. Although in opening the case for the SFO Mr Victor Temple QC submitted that the default by BAEDS, authorised by its parent company BAE Systems plc, “was the result of a deliberate decision by one or more officers” of BAEDS, and the reappointment of Mr Vithlani in November 1998 was approved personally by the chairman of BAE, no individual has been charged.

8. The basis of plea records in paragraph 4.5 that “although it is not alleged that BAE plc was party to an agreement to corrupt, there was a high probability that part of the $12.4m would be used in the negotiation process to favour BAEDS”. Indeed there was. Otherwise, it is inexplicable, on the material before me, why the payments to Mr Vithlani’s companies exceeded $12m; and even more inexplicable why 97% of that money should have been channelled via Red Diamond, an offshore company controlled by BAE, and paid to Envers, another offshore company controlled by Mr Vithlani.

9. That being so, I was astonished to find that the prosecution opening, after citing paragraph 4.5 of the basis of plea, went on:
“Accordingly, BAE has accepted that there was a high probability that the payments to Vithlani were intended to compensate him for work done in seeking to persuade relevant persons to favour BAEDS in respect of the radar project. It is not now possible to establish precisely what Vithlani did with the money that was paid to him. However, it is no part of the Crown’s case that any part of those payments were in fact improperly used in the negotiation process to favour BAEDS nor is it any part of the Crown’s case that BAE was party to any agreement to corrupt. To lobby is one thing, to corrupt another.”

10. I accept the second of these four sentences, namely that it is not now possible to establish precisely what Mr Vithlani did with the money that was paid to him. But on the basis of the documents shown to me it seems naïve in the extreme to think that Mr Vithlani was simply a well-paid lobbyist.

11. I also accept that there is no evidence that BAE was party to an agreement to corrupt. They did not wish to be, and did not need to be. The fact that money was paid by them to Red Diamond, by Red Diamond to Envers and by Envers to Mr Vithlani placed them at two or three removes from any shady activity by Mr. Vithlani.

12. In any event, the suggestion that Mr. Vithlani was merely a well paid lobbyist using his valuable time to hold legitimate meetings with decision-makers in Tanzania with no money changing hands is inconsistent, in my view, with the wording of the basis of plea that “there was a high probability that part of the $12.4m would be used in the negotiation process to favour BAEDS”.

13. The Consolidated Criminal Practice Direction section IV.45 and the decision of the Court of Appeal in R v Underwood [2004] EWCA Crim 2256 establish that whether or not pleas have been agreed the judge is not bound by any such agreement, and that any view formed by the prosecution on a proposed basis of plea is deemed to be conditional of the Judge’s acceptance of the basis of plea. Once the criminal courts are involved, sentence cannot be passed on an artificial basis. I accept the basis of plea itself. I remind myself that were I to hold a Newton hearing the criminal burden and standard of proof would apply. However, I indicated that I could not, without hearing evidence, accept any interpretation of the basis of plea which suggested that what BAE were concealing by the Section 221 offence was merely a series of payments to an expensive lobbyist. Such evidence might, for example, have involved witnesses who could testify, if it really is the case, that legitimate lobbyists could be paid 30% of the value of a $40 million contract simply as recompense for their time and trouble. Neither side sought to call evidence, although I indicated that I was prepared to grant an adjournment for them to do so.

14. I asked Mr. Temple what should have been in the accounting records instead of the phrase “provision of technical services”. He replied that something along the lines of “public relations and marketing services” would have been a more accurate description. If that had been a true and accurate description of the services which Mr. Vithlani was going to provide then I question whether it would have been appropriate to prosecute at all. Certainly the s 221 offence would have been suitable for being sentenced in the magistrates’ court. I would myself have imposed a fine of at most £5,000.

15. I therefore propose to sentence on the basis that by describing the payments in their accounting records as being for the provision of “technical services” the Defendants were concealing from the auditors and ultimately the public the fact that they were making payments to Mr Vithlani, 97% of them via two offshore companies, with the intention that he should have free rein to make such payments to such people as he thought fit in order to secure the Radar Contract for the defendants, but that the defendants did not want to know the details.

16. For the defendants Mr. David Perry QC made some important points in mitigation:
1) The company is charged with a single offence, not stated to be a specimen charge (though it continued for a 7 year period).
2) The Defendant cannot be sentenced for an offence, such as conspiracy to corrupt, which it has not admitted.
3) The company was prosecuted and fined the sum of $400m in the United States for offences in countries other than Tanzania.
4) The period over which the offence took place ended in December 2005. In 2007, by which time the SFO had been investigating the BAE Group’s affairs for some time, the company appointed a distinguished committee chaired by Lord Woolf, the former Lord Chief Justice, to identify the high ethical standards to which a global company should adhere, identify the extent to which BAE may currently meet these standards and recommend the action that BAE should take to achieve them. The committee reported in May 2008. The BAE Code of Conduct, which has been in effect since January 2009, now states that “we will not make facilitation payments and will seek to eliminate the practice in countries in which we do business”.
5) Both Mr. Temple and Mr. Perry emphasised the significance of the voluntary reparation which the company agreed to make “for the benefit of the people of Tanzania” as part of the settlement agreement. This payment will be £30 million, less any financial orders imposed by the Court”. The victims of this way of obtaining business, if I have correctly analysed it, are not the people of the UK, but the people of Tanzania. The airport at Dar-es-Salaam could no doubt have had a new radar system for a good deal less than $40million if $12million had not been paid to Mr. Vithlani. The structure of this Settlement Agreement places moral pressure on the Court to keep the fine to a minimum so that the reparation is kept at a maximum.

17. I have no power in this case to order confiscation or compensation.

18. Both Mr Temple and Mr Perry have decades of experience at the Criminal Bar. Neither of them was able to point me to any previous decision on the proper sentence for a case of this kind under s 221. Perhaps this is because there has never been one.

19. Taking the mitigating factors identified by Mr Perry into account I consider that the appropriate fine is £ 500,000. In addition, by consent, I order the Defendants to pay £225,000 towards the prosecution’s costs.

You Do It My Way


(This text is transcribed from a small voice recording machine obtained through the White House rubbish disposal system which occasionally does not work properly)

Oh, where the fuck is that voice recording thing? You can never find things around here. Oh, who put it in my pocket? Is it on? So, Malinda, can you write this up for the Brits. This is the main speech, and I dont want to do it again. Queen, Treesa. Big Dinner thing. Gold plates. Tart this up as usual, but a lot more Statesmanlike. But underneath, gotta teach them a lesson. One of their Genrals disagreed with us over the Iran danger, as if he knows something. Those Brits easily get uppity.

So, first section blahdeblah on how nice it is to be here. Warm welcome. Keeping the adoring crowds at bay and they will talk about this to their children when they grow up. Biggest crowds ever. Lots of jokey stuff with the Queen. I like the plates. I’m changing the law so I can catch her up as President in 2080 if she dies soon. And can I borrow her kit and the fancy carriage for six months to have a tour back home, and something about if the Brits want a war of independence, we’ll nuke them. But, really it’s a Special Relationship. They speak our language like natives. Ha. Ha.

Then I want a quick pitch directly to Queenie. Say, I would like another golf course a bit closer to the airports. Mention Windsor and a bit of landscaping. It is close to London and there is plenty of space if you flatten a few things. If you do it up front, it is difficult to say No. I’ll leave a gap to let it sink in.

Then the statesmanlike stuff. Treesa will be there, crying, so don’t say You should have listened to me on Europe. Aw fuck. Say it anyway. Then say I want their backing on Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, China and all that round the world stuff, and unconditional support at the UN – poodle style because we have got to hold the free world together. You can shove in a joke about them being poodles, and leaving the EU, so now they are corgies or those silly small dogs with the complicated name. I’ll practice it. And say, I don’t clear up dog shit.

Turn the screw a bit. Make em uneasy. Small island. Make them feel they don’t count now. They are out of Europe. Mention Nigel and Boris to stir it up a bit and tell em how important it is to choose the right leaders, and we are still getting over Obama and Hillary, but now we are really successful. Tell em I understand their crisis. Trade must be difficult. Then I want to launch my BIG DEAL. You can buy any of our weapons that we do not want, if you give us open access to all your markets. Give them a roasting on fucking chlorinated chicken. I’ve read it. They live off bloody Kentucky and McDonalds and then they rubbish our chicken. I’m going to get chlorinated chicken down their throats if it kills them. And tell them if they don’t quit that Chinese firm, Awayee, I’ll give them less American intelligence, and boy are we intelligent.

You can finish with all the save the world for freedom stuff and the dangers of Iran and how I have sorted out the American economy, China, Europe, South America and the rest. Nothing on global warming. Absolute nothing. Blank it. Nobody mentions the weather. We’ll do Great USA (GUSA) and Ordinary Britain, so they know they are nothing.

Then, I’ll do:- Today, I am asking you to choose greatness, American greatness. You put a man on the South Pole and I put a man on the Moon. I’ll mention GUSA a number of times. Then throw in Canada. Say, I want Canada to leave the Empire-Wealthy thing, so that they can have a closer relationship with us. Say, you’ve got Scotland and Wales, so you don’t need Canada. And I want my golf course to become sovereign US territory so those vile Scots can’t fuck me about.

Them, finally, I hope they will see that history is done My Way. See if you can get the Queen to put Sinatra on her Sound System, kinda low background to what I say. Treesa’s gone, but either history fucks you or you do it, and it will do it My Way. Mexico. China. Iran. Europe, and Canada will do it my way. I faced it all and I stood tall. I did it my way. I’ll give the finale a big voice. To think I did all that And may I say – not in a shy way. Oh no, oh no, not me I did it my way. Its gotta be big. Give the whole thing a bit of your class, and make sure I get all the formal stuff right, your Majesty and Duke of York. I’ll take it slow and statesmanlike cos she’s nearly dead. Get My way to change key near the end. When I sit down make sure all our people stand up and clap. I need it on gold paper, big print. When you’ve written it up classy I’ll practice it loads with you to learn the new words.

I say, you taking out the rubbish again. Could you take this down to Malinda and tell her to write it up straight away so I can practice it. I don’t know how to turn it off. Here, off you go.



Oh Nazanin, how could we all have been so stupid. We are so sorry and rage at our UK Governments, especially this one, for this sordid history. A Guardian article today links the wrongful detention of Nazanin Zaghari Radcliffe to an old Iranian arms debt from 40 years ago of £400 million, and, of course, that is what it is all about.

We must recall, and remember, the case. The US and the UK were showering the Shah of Iran with weapons because he was vain enough to buy them with his oil money and let the US run his secret service. He was a western military puppet, and was replaced in November 1979 by the Ayatollah, who, not surprisingly did not like US. The Iran Regime took 70 Americans hostages (hostages note) in order to get the Shah returned to them for trial.

There was an order for Chieftain tanks for £650 million. Most of them had not been sent and after the revolution, because we were America’s poodle and did not like Iran, were not sent. We owed Iran £400-450 million which we did not pay. More than this we sold the rest of the tanks to Iraq. They were used against Iran in the Iraq-Iran War which Saddam Hussein started against Iran. Saddam was now our friend and we did not mind him starting a war against Iran. Indeed, the US helped him with chemical weapons and the wherewithal to use them against Iran. The arms trade is a dirty business. Iran, of course, was completely in the right and we were completely in the wrong. “No, we will not deliver your television or send the money back because we do not like you and want to sell it to someone else” is not a viable morality The International trade Court has upheld Iran’s position and the company involved is a UK Government owned one, and the money is held in a separate account. There is no reason not to pay. We are wrong and Iran rightly wants its money back.

The US hostages case was sorted out in 1980. In fact, Ronald Reagan did a secret deal to sell needed arms equipment to Iran in exchange for the hostages NOT being released before the US Presidential election. Otherwise, Carter, not Reagan, the arms companies stooge, would have won.

The Iran Government can not say “We are holding Nazanin because of the £400 million,” but the Conservative Government knows this is the case. She is the hostage. They will have discussed it frequently in precisely these terms, and while mouthing sympathy have done nothing to correct the wrong which would free Nazanin. On any morality, the Government should pay up, but does not, now because of Trump’s anti-Iranianism and the MOD. They choose to be Trump’s poodle and blank Nazanin.

This is directly relevant to the Conservative leadership campaign for it disqualifies both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt as Foreign Secretaries. They have both wept crocodile tears about Nazanin, knowing they had the means of freeing her. In the dirty Reagan Presidential campaign of 1980 the seventy hostages were freed even as Reagan was sworn in as President. Pay the £400 million we owe and Nazanin will be freed. Johnson and Hunt know this, but have done cover-up politics and presented the tearful front, Johnson even with appalling acting. Given this hypocrisy, they must not hold any office of state, let alone that of Prime Minister, and should be held in prison pending returning £400 million and Nazanin’s release.





Westminster Abbey is holding a service to “Recognize Fifty Years at Sea Continuous Deterrent” on the 3rd of May. We are told this is a “peace keeping through the deterrent” Service. You may not understand what that means; it needs a little translation. “Continuous” says that every day a nuclear submarine with Trident missiles and multiple nuclear warheads is prowling the oceans. Capital C means that it is ready to attack if necessary. Capital D Deterrent means that nuclear weapons Deter other countries from attacking us and keeps us safe, and service means only for those who are invited. And Westminster Abbey is saying this is a good thing because it is “peace-keeping”. So prowling submarines with weapons which will kill millions are given a nice Anglican blessing for peace-keeping, and all is well. Except of course, this is not the truth. Westminster Abbey, is going along with the military-industrial establishment in a ceremonial event supporting a myth, although it will have many well-meaning people present. The service avoids Christianity, thought, principles and realism. Here we try to address these omissions in reverse order. First we look at four reasons why the supposed peace-keeping deterrent is a fiction, dreamed up by the arms companies for their benefit.


1. Who might attack?
Are our nuclear submarines and their weapons really a deterrent? No, because, during those fifty years no-one has remotely threatened to attack us as a nation. For over 80,000 days of prowling, there has been no alert and no danger, because no-one has thought of attacking us, just as no-one has thought of attacking Switzerland, Belgium, Poland or Denmark, which don’t have nuclear deterrents. Our Deterrent has been like a man sitting in a full suit of Armour in the park with twenty swords and machine guns, hoping no one would notice he has not been attacked and wishing at least a dog would growl at him. Strip away the MOD/MI6 hype pushed out most weeks to keep us in fear, and there is not a real nuclear threat or the semblance of a threat to us.. It is not even a feasible thing to do, for North Korea, Russia or Montenegro. Nobody wants to attack us with nuclear weapons; what would be the point? It is a hypothetical deterrent, a watch this space in case anything happens deterrent, a dog howling at the moon deterrent, a mislabelled wrapping of a non-deterrent. There is no enemy at the door, or down the street, or anywhere.

1b. What about the Cold War?
Ah, says someone, what about the Cold War? Yes, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate the Cold War. You may not have heard that during the fifties and sixties the US vastly exaggerated the USSR bombs, bombers and missiles when it was far ahead in the “arms race”, so that the arms companies could carry on overproducing their nuclear weapons and delivery systems. At the time Kennedy was elected President, the US had nine times as many nuclear weapons and delivery systems as the USSR, and of better quality, but Kennedy campaigned on being behind in the arms race. The arms companies had a vested interest in this kind of Cold War; it gave them massive orders. The USSR was trying to catch up with the US, because it was good for their arms companies. Actually, the biggest threat during the Cold War was when the US nuclear bombed itself four times in early 1961. In one of the bombs which fell 150 miles from Washington, near Goldsboro, North Carolina, three of the four firing mechanisms detonated, but the fourth, luckily, did not. That was really scary.

Listen for a moment to the leaders of the world superpowers – President Eisenhower, ex Supreme Allied Commander defeating Hitler Eisenhower, and the USSR’s Khrushchev. Eisenhower is talking to Khrushchev, then Khrushchev replies.

“My military leaders come to me and say, “Mr President, we need such and such a sum for such and such a program.” I say, “Sorry we don’t have the funds.” They say, “We have reliable information that the Soviet Union has already allocated funds for their own such program. Therefore, if we do not get the funds we need, we’ll fall behind the Soviet Union.” So I give in. That’s how they wring money out of me. They keep grabbing for more and I keep giving it to them. Now tell me, how is it with you?”

“It’s just the same. Some people from our military department come and say, “Comrade Khrushchev, look at this! The Americans are developing such and such a system. We could develop the same system, but it would cost such and such.” I tell them there is no money; it’s all been allocated already. So they say, “If we don’t get the money we need and if there is a war, then the enemy will have superiority over us.” So we discuss it some more, and I end up by giving them the money they ask for.”

The militarist tail was wagging the political dog. If the politicians did not toe the line, they were charged with putting the nation in danger, giving in to the enemy, or being a traitor to the country. It goes on all the time. Michael Foot, a pacifist and leader of the Labour Party, was accused of being a Russian spy by The Times; when it came to trial the libel damages bought him a new kitchen. Now Jeremy Corbyn just faces rumours and smears because he rightly sees this system as silly. So, the vast military-industrial establishments on both sides fed and feed the fear that kept them in business. By 1990 the immense military expenditure in the poorer USSR caused it to collapse. The Cold War was the barking of two dogs, each with its tail clamped in the jaws of the arms industry.

2. The Non-Independent Insignificant Nuclear Non-deterrent.
There is a second reason why “our” nuclear deterrent is not real. We are told our nuclear weapons are independent. Except they are not. They are bought from the US as a kind of virility symbol that puts us in the superpower class. Let us examine this relationship. US weapon systems have been thirty or forty times bigger than ours throughout this period, and in any international tensions, it is US power that features, not ours. The US has the mega-weapons and everybody, other than us, ignores us. We do not count and have not since Suez in 1956. We only count as the US poodle, in Iraq, Syria or wherever, though we did win in the Falklands. That our deterrent is independent does not matter, because we do not matter, and it is not. We would have to ask permission of the US through NATO to do anything. The egos of Thatcher and Blair have tried to make us matter, but we do not. Like France, another post-colonial nuclear power, nobody cares about our nuclear weapons. It is all ego, a Churchillian V bomber sign that has gone wrong, a useless national egoism that only stupid leaders like Kim Jong-Un in North Korea think of following, (and he might be genuinely scared of the US). So, the fact that we, the British are prowling the seas is of no interest to anyone who is grown up. For fifty years, it has been an empty ritual. It has contributed as much to peace as the robes of Anglican bishops contribute to holiness.

3. Nuclear Weapons do not deter conventional wars.
Because nothing justifies the use of nuclear bombs, they have not been used in conventional wars, and have not deterred them. Of course, they could not deter wars which we started. So, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere the conventional wars have gone ahead with our help, even though we have nuclear weapons. In dozens of other locations wars have not been stopped by the nuclear deterrent, because it will not be used. It cannot be used. Of course, again, wars tend to occur where arms companies sell conventional weapons, and when wars occur, arms companies have a bonanza, but that will not be in the liturgy of the Westminster Service. So the nuclear deterrent has had no impact on conventional wars, going back to Korea and Vietnam. They are not a deterrent, or a peace-keeping deterrent. The Anglican Service is icing without a cake. Nuclear weapons do not stop conventional wars.

4. The real reason nuclear weapons are not used is that they are evil.
We all know nuclear weapons are evil. Each warhead kills about a million people horrifically, like us or perhaps even us, more or less depending on circumstances. They have always been an indiscriminate people killer, not a strategic weapon. At Hiroshima some kids who were not killed immediately were running away holding their eyeballs in their hands. It is beyond evil. So the real reason why nobody thinks of using nuclear weapons is because they do untold evil. Really, they cannot be used, because they are too evil, and they haven’t been used. They wipe out everything, including probably, the human race. Really, this has been admitted for decades. Triggering Doomsday was unthinkable. Once nuclear warheads reached Mutually Assured Destruction, MAD for short, where they make the whole world uninhabitable for humans many times over, the stupidity of the nuclear race was beyond question. After all, the Dr Strangelove film was in 1964. Yet the show stayed on the road, because the arms companies needed it, and through the constant generation of fear. They won’t be used, but if you call them a deterrent, they can still be made, even though they are useless – bombs, submarines, missiles, bombers – trillions can be spent on them, provided you ramp up the fear and pretend they are a deterrent. Even when the USSR disappeared, the show stayed on the road, because it was always about funding the military-industrial complex. So we have the charade of deterrence kept afloat on the ramped-up fears of millions, so that we spend trillions on evil weapons which will never be used. And if disarmament is discussed, the military are in charge, so that nothing will become of it, because turkeys do not vote for Christmas. And then you get some plonking Anglicans to celebrate it. The Westminster Abbey line about peace-keeping panders to a military obscenity, trying to make what is evil good.

By what principles should we conduct international affairs? The principle behind nuclear weapons is that the threat is so severe that nobody will cross us. Christianity does not do threats. It has long championed reconciliation, sorting quarrels, meekness, non-retaliation and in Christ’s famous words, “loving your enemies”. It is a powerful way of conducting life. Enemies can be understood, their point of view seen. Acts of kindness and openness deconstruct tension and aggression. Such a view is beyond nationalism. Christians worldwide are the rainbow people of God, from every tribe and nation, equal before God. We have seen animosities in Europe change to friendship under this imperative. Go the second mile. So, the Christian Gospel takes co-operation all the way. Christ forgives those who crucify him, because they do not know what they do. They have not seen through the false hope in threats and aggression. It is not difficult to understand. If Fred puts a machine gun down on the table you will not have a good conversation with him. Threats destroy trust. Threats promise evil consequences to get their will. Threats induce fear, reprisals, the need to carry them out and trust in weapons rather than people. The Dean of Westminster should have been taught this in theological kindergarden. Nuclear submarines are the mother of all threats, and the Anglican Church is blessing them, not that Church of England blessings make one iota of difference. It is only God who blesses. So, this service rats on Christian teaching and relating in principle.

Then Christians are invited by Jesus to do a little bit of thinking. The world’s greatest teacher frequently says, “They say unto you, but I say unto you…” There are contending views. Christians, along with the rest of the world could question militarism. Its Founder said, two thousand years ago, “Those who take the sword, perish by the sword.” It is a pithy summary of a big theme. Now most people would understand that as a general principle. If you develop and use weapons, then you will get kickback; you will suffer. It is a warning that goes down the centuries. Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun, Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Japan, the US in Vietnam and in Afghanistan. George W. Bush learned it when the CIA funded several billions of training and arms in Afghanistan, only to find that some of them had planned 9/11. Those who set out on militarism, pay the cost. Militarism does not work and Jesus laid it out two millenia back. You would have thought that a little bit of thought would convince our politicians, and our Dean of Westminster, that wars, especially nuclear wars do not work. Nuclear wars do not work, because everybody gets destroyed. Invasion is more or less impossible in the modern crowded world; going on holiday there is much easier. And most states which are attacked and bombed evidence three effects. The first is they often become failed states with governance breaking down. Second, they generate terrorists, because people want revenge for their homes and families being bombed and destroyed. Third, destroyed homes and cities create millions of refugees who have to migrate to other places and cannot easily be helped. So, the whole programme of wars and militarism is a failed agenda. This is not surprising when weapons by their very nature kill, maim and destroy. All sides lose wars and the obvious thing to do is not to prepare for them. Absent the arms companies and their fear machines and this would be blindingly obvious. Because the military establishment is in charge even this basic bit of thinking does not get done.

But then step up the Church of England. Now given the Church of England should listen to Jesus at least once a week, you would expect them to sit down and think, “Do weapons work?” and the evidence is that both the weapons and their use do not work. Indeed, many Anglicans have come to that conclusion, but the Anglican establishment seems not to have got there. The evidence on bishops blessing battleships before World War One is a bit mixed, but the establishment has long, with the exception of the interwar period, gone along with militarism without thought. The Anglican Establishment could think. They could say, “The UK nuclear weapon system should be closed down. That will save billions of pounds every year, encourage world denuclearisation and not affect UK security.” They could say, “Are we sure that having and selling all these weapons is a good idea; it seems to be creating failed states, refugees, terrorist, warming the planet and spreading conflict in previously peaceful areas.” That would be a thoughtful response to Jesus’ words and to the world situation. The Pope has come to that conclusion by thinking about Jesus’ words. But, No, the Anglican Establishment, partly reared in public schools with a cadet corps, and warbling around state events in Abbeys and Cathedrals, does not dare to challenge the political establishment and comes up with a service blessing nuclear submarines. Then there is the well-known Anglican habit of finding an ethical dilemma in every issue so that nothing will be done. They agonize over “Would you shoot a man with a bomb in a football crowd?” while ignoring the manufacture of millions of bombs for profit. So, the Anglican Establishment prevaricates and goes along with the powers that be, c, d and e. It is not good enough. In fact it is not good at all. It is not Christian. It is a faithless, craven response to a major world evil.

The Christian Gospel is a Gospel of peace. Christianity shows how peace works. Peace is spread without weapons or threats, through trust, forgiveness, loving enemies and addressing disputes. Racial, national and other tribalisms are out because we stand before the God of all people. Christ disarmed the fear of those who try to control by killing him on the cross and taught fearlessness. Peace is free. It is given by Christ and rests on those who follow him. His crucifixion nailed militarism to the cross and he is the Lamb on the Throne; we look for the triumph of non-militarism. Yet, this deep Christian understanding of peace and disarmament is scorned in this simpering support of a useless deterrent and the silly games of nuclear weaponry bought from the States. It is time the Anglican establishment moved over for the real Christian content of peace. Bruce Kent, who will probably be standing outside the Abbey, if the service takes place, should be preaching inside the good news of the Gospel of Peace. Indeed, the real lesson takes place outside. God has spent several billion years on the decay of radioactivity on our planet so that we can live here, and we retro-engineer a catastrophic throwback. How clever is that?
The service should be cancelled, not out of disrespect for good engineers and the hard work of service people, but because our nuclear weapons are not a deterrent in any sense; they reflect national vanity for which politicians and the electorate are responsible; they are not the way to relate in international affairs, and do not reflect the Christian Gospel. It is wasteful of billions and vast amounts of energy and is a threat to world peace.

It is time the Anglican establishment quit this role of providing a tinsel halo for what the state does irrespective of the Christian Gospel. The issue is even bigger. Rather than promoting peace, UK Governments, following the US, have been one of the world’s chief warmongers, creating failed states in the Middle East, provoking terrorism and leaving millions of refugees. The west has championed the selling of weapons world-wide, manufacturing wars and tensions. Christian policy of reconciliation, disarming and confronting the power systems needs steady faithful witness against militarism from the Church of England. We must stand and fight for peace with the gentle armour of God rather than the kit of militarism. We need to show the stupidity of militarism in the modern world, wasting trillions on useless wars, burning vast amounts of CO2 and manufacturing destruction. It is time for the Archbishops to acknowledge they have got this wrong, and why they have got it wrong.

The Westminster Abbey Service must be cancelled or reversed. Of course, people can meet God anywhere and the words of Christ speak through every barrier, but clothing the idea of nuclear deterrence in the mantle of peace, and pretending that it has done good when it has merely reflected our national vanity, cloaks the lie. If we give up our nuclear deterrent, it would do inestimably more for world peace, and fight for multilateral nuclear disarmament and full world disarmament. The Dean could say that, but he may not. Christ is not really invited to this commemoration of nuclear bomb “deterrence”. The event is by invitation only, and he has probably not been given a ticket. But he tends to turn up again and again.