It is obvious
that militarism undermines democracy. States where the ruler looks to the army
are different from states where governments are formed by democratic support.
Either might is right, or the people should have a say, and boot out the
government and their views by voting the other way. In 1939 we had a World War
against the aggressive militarism of Fascism in Germany, Italy, Japan and other
countries, and thankfully Democracy won. Except it was never quite that simple.
It did for decades in a lot of countries. But, Fascist militarism had had support
at various levels in most countries of the world in the 1930s. It tended to go underground
and hide in 1945 but it did not disappear. Moreover, in 1945 the United States
became the dominant military, and arms producing, power in the world and has
continued in that vein to the present, when it funds nearly half of all world
military expenditure. In 1945 we though Democracy had won and Militarism had
lost for ever, and now Democracy seems much more fragile and is disappearing
fast, even in established democratic states, while militarism spreads
everywhere. The obvious thesis is that MILITARISM IS STRANGLING DEMOCRACY. The
old threat of do what I say or I’ll kill you is back in government around the
world. Everyone should be thinking about it, but few are, because the military
weave their webs of necessity by frightening us.
Let us take
two examples. In Uganda at present an election is underway. It is a wonderful country with great,
friendly people. President Musevene is seeking re-election, even though he had
said he would stand down. He was a General, sorting out the mess of General
Amin, but democracy in this election is shadowed by the gun, and threats. It is
controlled to produce the result the controller of the army wants. It will not
be an open democratic election. The second example is China. Any understanding
of Chinese history makes one aware of how much it has been sinned against by
the West. The Opium Wars of the 19th century and the annexation of
Hong Kong and other territories for the West was naked colonialism. Last
century the West, especially Britain, arming Japan, allowed Japan to invade and
dominate China through the 1930s and then horrifically in WW2. Western post-war
aggression in Korea and Vietnam and later made China legitimately defensive. It
then emerged as not only the world’s most populous country, but also as the
workplace of the world, exporting goods and equipment, as part of an integrated
world economy. Yet, now, it relies heavily on selling and having arms, and has
hostility to open democracy in Hong Kong and among other populations. It is
threatened and threatens. The leader has entrenched himself in power around a
military base, and China has become both militarised and a big seller of
If we revue
the big picture, there is a common pattern. Judgements may vary a bit, but the
following states are military/autocratic dictatorships or near military
dictatorships (in brackets) around the world. They are shown alongside their
populations in millions. Of course, many states hold elections, but make sure
they control them, as in Putin’s Russia. The military subdue the population and
opposition. In the case of Saudi Arabia they carry bodies out of embassies in a
suitcase. A tentative list includes: – (China)
1439m, Russia 146m, Egypt 102m, (Pakistan) 221m (Brazil) 213m, (DRCongo) 90m,
Iran 84m, Iraq 40m, Saudi Arabia 35m, Afghanistan39m, Algeria 44m, Angola33m,
Azerbaijan 10m, Belarus 9m, Uzbekistan 33m, Burundi 12m, Cambodia 17m, Cameroon
27, Sudan44, South Sudan 11m, Somalia 16, (Nigeria) 206m, (Bangladesh) 165m,
Vietnam 97m, Turkey 84m, Yemen 30m, Syria 18m, Venezuela 28m, Uganda 46m
Thailand 70m. There are other countries that should be included. This is merely
indicative that half the world’s population live more or less under military
control. But this is not the most
disturbing part of the picture.
The “West”
sees itself as those who fight for Democracy or Freedom against Militarism. We
are the Good Guys fighting against militarism. That message is pumped at us
most days. Actually, a detached examination concludes that we, the “West”, have
dominated militarism since 1945 and have sold weapons around the world on a
vast scale to nearly everybody. It was a pro-active role; in the 50s the US
military exaggerated the number of USSR bombers and missiles sometimes a
hundred times in order to get the military growing. It also linked sales to aid
in the post WW2 era to get its arms selling round the world. Similarly, Britain
and France plied their colonies and ex colonies with weapons. During the Cold
War both sides used the other to leverage their importance, until military
costs brought down the USSR. Around 2000 two thirds of arms sales came from the
democratic west and it is near that figure now. The US has 36% of world arms
exports and Russia 21%. China exports
less than France or Germany. (2014-18 figures) More than this, the “Democratic”
West now includes those to whom we sell weapons. We are pro Iran, Iraq, Saudi
Arabia, Pakistan, Argentina, Libya, Egypt and other states to whom we sell
weapons, but against them – perhaps – if they use them. Weapons, not democracy,
dominates international politics and the effectiveness of the United Nations.
But it is
worse even that this. Western “democratic states” have primed and started wars
around weapons. Blair and Berlusconi did a deal with Gaddafi in Libya to sell
weapons; soon he was in a civil war and
we were bombing him. Saddam bought weapons from the West, which was playing both
sides in the Iran-Iraq War. When he could not pay the French for his weapons,
he asked Kuwait for money and then invaded them. The US, who had lost its Cold
War rival, gratefully undertook a big blitz war against Iraq. Then in 2003 when there was ample evidence
that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, the US military, which needed a
war, led Bush and Blair to invade a disarmed Iraq on the basis of a lie about
WMD, against UN law, and destroy the Iraq state. Since then it has been a
failed state with destroyed infrastructure. generating billions of military
expenditures for the United States arms industry, including very expensive loo seats,
but benefitting no-one else. Recently, the US and UK weapons sold to Saudi Arabia have continued
to fuel the Yemen catastrophe. So, we have been and are the world’s main
militarists, sometimes selling weapons in breach of our own guidelines, to
continue the trend. This is, substantially, our doing.
We ignore
what it does to our democracy. The Iraq War involved Bush and Blair and their
Cabinets lying to their nations. There was an overwhelming propaganda attack worldwide which disseminated
falsehoods successfully against the long term evidence of the United Nations..
Fake evidence was manufactured, undermining the overwhelming evidence that
there were no weapons of mass destruction. There was an attack by the Blair
Government on the BBC which destroyed its independence and ability to present
what is the case. Truth suffers in wars, but this was the 21st
century with a vast raft of electronic media.
law was ignored. Those who wanted a reason for their actions talked about regime
change as though that justified what has been done. It is, of course,
completely outside the framework of the United Nations and undemocratic. The
United States has in fact worked at regime change in Cuba, Argentina, Chile,
the Dominican Republic and elsewhere, against democratic elections, on the
grounds that it does not like the regimes.
Though the
unjustified invasion of Iraq should have led to reparations for a vast scale of
damage, that justice has been ignored, because the bully was in charge.
Of course,
after war, military occupations, dictatorships, the outcomes are always
destruction, states which are ungovernable, patterns of corruption, revenge,
dominant juntas, bribery and other patterns which destroy stable government.
That has been happening throughout modern history yet still the narrative of
the militarists is allowed to dominate. The
Trump administration has produced a reversal from the United States working
through international agreements to bullying on the basis of its greater power.
That was no accident, but part of the long march of militarism.
The arms companies
know what they are doing. The militaries, including the arms companies, the
armed forces and the secret services know that they need enemies and need to be
inside government to get their contracts. They do both and are practiced,
efficient businessmen. We are warned about Russia, China, Terrorists, Iran,
North Korea and any other potential enemy in a sustained media and political
campaign, so that the military-industrial complex can be kept in business, a
business involving trillions of dollars and vast technologies of destruction –
nuclear weapons, missiles, subs, tanks, aircraft carriers, fighters, bombers,
drones, guns of all sizes. Both sides keep the pressure up and both sides carry
on with the same business plan. The Pentagon and Kremlin brief on the new
weapons needed and how this is the primary defence of the State and compel the
politicians to adopt them. Both sides are keeping this show on the road and
acting out adversarial militarism and promoting autocratic rule. It is
senseless, wasteful and destructive, but the people who run the system are
never injured or killed; they just get rich. The sad thing is that we are taken
in. It is not as if we have not had time to wake up.
There were
four arm races before WW1. One of them sparked with the assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand and the horrific war followed. In the twenties and thirties
the world woke up to “the merchants of death” and in the great 1932 Geneva
Disarmament Conference nearly did start to disarm the world under the Hoover
Plan, but the militarists thwarted it and let in Hitler. We do not hear about
the arms companies happy to sell to Hitler in the 30s, but Berlin was crawling
with them. Another military crescendo followed to WW2. The same happened after WW2. The militarists
made sure that weapons, including nuclear weapons, were not closed down and
soon the arms trade was up and running again with the Cold War. The model is
clear. Eisenhower and Khrushchev discuss it in the following interchange.
Eisenhower: “My military leaders come to me and say, “Mr
President, we need such and such a sum for such and such a program.” I say,
“Sorry we don’t have the funds.” They say, “We have reliable information that
the Soviet Union has already allocated funds for their own such program.
Therefore, if we do not get the funds we need, we’ll fall behind the Soviet
Union.” So I give in. That’s how they wring money out of me. They keep grabbing
for more and I keep giving it to them. Now tell me, how is it with you?”
Khrushchev: “It’s just the same. Some people from our
military department come and say, “Comrade Khrushchev, look at this! The
Americans are developing such and such a system. We could develop the same
system, but it would cost such and such.” I tell them there is no money; it’s
all been allocated already. So they say, “If we don’t get the money we need and
if there is a war, then the enemy will have superiority over us.” So we discuss
it some more, and I end up by giving them the money they ask for”[i]
Here are the
two big dogs talking while their tails are being wagged. There is every reason
to believe that this accurately represented the process both in the US and USSR
throughout the Cold War. Of course, it was more complex than this, involving lobbying,
groups in government, scares, pressure, research, international deals, but the weapon’s
people have run the politicians all our lifetimes. Reagan was even persuaded to
pump tens of billions of dollars into a “Star Wars” project which experts
agreed could never work. The show is still unchallenged in the US and UK and
elsewhere across all the national divides. It happens behind the scenes. Big contracts
pop out without warning. We allow the militarists to bring governments into
line and create the divisions in which weapons thrive. We were told the USSR
did weapons because it was Communist. Now it still does weapons when it is Capitalist.
The real problem is not national tensions, but the business of arms and the
military industrial complex on both sides. They need one another and play the
The result
is that we are losing Democracy. The peace people are eliminated behind the
scenes. Corbyn was trashed in the 2019 election as a traitor, unsafe and
antisemitic partly by the establishment military system. Autocracy is justified
by external threats. Around the world the militarists eliminate their enemies. Protests
are put down today in Thailand which has had 20 military coups in modern times.
Each country postures against its enemies and good international co-operation
breaks down. Nationalist parties, often discussing and saying little about
detailed policy issues, are returned to power. Loyalty trumps debate. Laws can
be suspended. The old, old ploy of an unsuccessful leader finding an external
threat to rekindle popularity is brought out again. And elections were probably
fixed, but nobody can be held to account. Decisions are made, but really
irrespective of people. Slowly, the democratic tide is going out and the main
reason, alongside the power of money to swing the media, is militarism. If we
cannot see that, we have been blinded.
So, if
militarism is slowly stranglist democracy around the world, we can still address
it through democratic politics. We will have to drag what is hidden out into
the open and discuss it. Militarism can be discussed. We will have to question the
necessity of “defence”. We will need to look at why wars do not work, at why
the destruction of weapons and war is not a good thing, at how enemies are
created, at the gravy trains which run military systems round the world, and we
will have to re-evaluate western military history and see we are a big part of
the problem. We will have to look at the whole propaganda system of scares
which keep us in hoc to “defence” . Then we may see that mutual world disarmament
is possible, that the UN Treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons will open the door,
that world multilateral disarmament is practical, saves trillions, is the
greenest thing for the planet, saves lives, trauma, refugees, poverty, more
wars, warped science and technology and allows democracy to open up again
around the world. We may see that disarmament, reducing threats everywhere, is
far easier than competitive arming. But there is one more thing that we must
realise, one mistake that has been made every time disarmament has been an
issue in world politics, and there have been quite a few.
Every time
world disarmament is discussed, starting in 1899, in 1919, in 1932 and several
times in the sixties and seventies, when the discussions get underway, the
military put themselves in charge, especially of the detailed arrangements
which might happen. They then mire the discussions in disagreement. Would USSR
and US militarist bargain themselves out of existence? Of course not, for turkeys
do not vote for Christmas. So, militarists must NOT be put in charge of
disarmament discussion and policy. It needs clear big rules – cut military
spending by 20% a year until it is all gone – firm policing, open inspection,
big penalties, detailed surveillance and the world can be disarmed, just as
most cities function without arms all round the world. Finally, the primitivism
of tribal war can be banished and nation can speak peace unto nation.
But first we
must see the problem..
[i] Nikita S. Khrushchev Khrushchev Remembers trans and edited by
Strobe Talbott (Boston: Little,Brown, 1970) 518